sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016

LESSON 6 - 13 / 10 /2016


Brief description about the class

It has been the first class of expositions. The first group has shown us their topic: "Listen and Do". They have done a lot of games, as the "escondite inglés". In other games, we have had to listen some orders that our partners said to us, as "Sit down", "Jump", "Stand up", and we have had to do it. There was another activity related to mimic. In this activity, in pairs, one have to represent an animal and the other one had to discover what animal was representing his/her partner. 

What I have learnt in this lesson

I have learnt, in a funnier way, how to introduce orders in class, and also, how through listening can learn our students.

My personal opinion

I think this exposition has been so good. They have shown confidence in themselves, which is an important thing to be calm. They have preferred to have fluency in their speaking, instead of worrying so much about their grammatical mistakes. I find better to focus in fluency that in grammatical mistakes while you are talking.
Resultado de imagen de listen and do

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