Brief description about the course
During the 26 and 27 of october, some classmates and I were in a CLIL Course called: "Introducción al Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua: Aspectos Teórico - Prácticos. This course started with the conference with Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe, an expert in CLIL. In these two days, we were in some courses related to CLIL, for instance: Introducción teórico - práctica al diseño de actividades; Gamificación y CLIL: Jugando con lengua y contenido; Ciencias y AICLE: Una buena combinación and Picasso dictation: Una propuesta de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras.
What I have learnt in this lesson
This course has taught me lots of interesting things. I have never known such an fantastic way to introduce art in a CLIL Course as using Picasso dictation. I had never heard anything about this methodology and I have found it quite interesting.
Also, in the course: Gamificación y CLIL, the professor has told us a lot of pages and resources to introduce CLIL in different subjects. Some games I had already known, but there were a lot that I would have ever thought I could use with this methodology.
My personal opinion
I think it has been a fantastic course. Although it has been in the afternoon and it has started at 16:00 p.m., I have found it great. In my opinion, this course has taught me a lot of CLIL methodology and how to use it. Also, it has shown me a lot of resources that as teachers we can apply to introduce it, and to work together language and content.
As a future english teachers, courses like this help us in our profession. They make us more efficient and motivated in our lessons. Also, it has been pretty important to me because in the future I would like to be in a biliingual school, and apply this methodology.
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