sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

LESSON 4 - 05 / 10 / 2016


Brief description about the class

First, the professor has given us advices about how to prepare a exposition and how to do them. Our expositions have to be creative and active. Also, the professor has explained us the point 1.3. Royal Decree and we have read a document which speaks about it. We have viewed the point 1.4. The Decree of Castilla  - La Mancha. By last, in groups of three people, we have done the activity 1.3.1. In this activity, we have remembered, doing a test, the most important things in the Royal Decree.

What I have learnt in this lesson

I have learnt and I have remembered many things about the Royal Decree and the curriculum of our community. I have known more about the teacher's role proposed, the new method they pretend to introduce, the contents and the competences worked on the First Foreign Language...

My personal opinion

Resultado de imagen de libros antiguos
Although these documents can be a bit boring for us, they are important to us. Knowing all of this law, we can do better our job, but it is important that we do not do exactly what the law says. We have this base to orientate our teaching, but we can work with our creativity and imagination to improve it.

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