lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016



Brief description about the course

During the 26 and 27 of october, some classmates and I were in a CLIL Course called: "Introducción al Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua: Aspectos Teórico - Prácticos. This course started with the conference with Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe, an expert in CLIL. In these two days, we were in some courses related to CLIL, for instance: Introducción teórico - práctica al diseño de actividades; Gamificación y CLIL: Jugando con lengua y contenido; Ciencias y AICLE: Una buena combinación and Picasso dictation: Una propuesta de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras. 

What I have learnt in this lesson

This course has taught me lots of interesting things. I have never known such an fantastic way to introduce art in a CLIL Course as using Picasso dictation. I had never heard anything about this methodology and I have found it quite interesting. 

Also, in the course: Gamificación y CLIL, the professor has told us a lot of pages and resources to introduce CLIL in different subjects. Some games I had already known, but there were a lot that I would have ever thought I could use with this methodology.

My personal opinion

I think it has been a fantastic course. Although it has been in the afternoon and it has started at 16:00 p.m., I have found it great. In my opinion, this course has taught me a lot of CLIL methodology and how to use it. Also, it has shown me a lot of resources that as teachers we can apply to introduce it, and to work together language and content.

As a future english teachers, courses like this help us in our profession. They make us more efficient and motivated in our lessons. Also, it has been pretty important to me because in the future I would like to be in a biliingual school, and apply this methodology.

Resultado de imagen de clil

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016

LESSON 8 - 20 / 10 / 2016


Brief description about the class

This lesson has been given by a group. They have shown us their topic called " Listen and Make ". They have used different games to explain us this topic. For instance, in one game, they have given us order and instructions and we have had to make what they said. The topic of these orders was related to the "jobs". They have made some groups of 6 persons, and there was a leader of the group. They have put on him/her a police cap (if he/she was a police man/woman), a fireman's helmet (if the group was about firemen)...

What I have learnt in this lesson

In a funnier way, our partners has taught us how we can introduce the topic "listen and make". They have given us such an interesting ideas about it.

My personal opinion

I have enjoyed a lot in this lesson. I think they have been so creative and they have had a lot of imagination. This play has been pretty entertaining. In my opinion, all the class has had a good time while we have been learning about "Listen and make".

Resultado de imagen de listen

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

LESSON 7 - 19 / 10 / 2016


Brief description about the class

Firstly, in our groups, we have finished the activities that we have not finished yet. After that, our professor has talked us about her experience in Ireland. She was there a year ago. She has told us about the Irish education, how they teach, which activities they do there...

What I have learnt in this lesson

Resultado de imagen de irlanda trebol

I have learnt a lot about my professor experience. She has told us pretty intersting things about the Irish education system. I have known a lot about how they understand education, how they educate children, which activities they do there...  I did not know, for instance, that the owner of all the Irish schools is the church. This means that Irish schools are religious. These schools are so different from Spanish schools.

My personal opinion

This lesson has been very interesting. I find very important to know the educational systems from other countries. Knowing them, we can improve our own educational system. I have found quite interesting some things of Irish educational system, for instance, that all the schools are religious, that they encourage the musical aspect in their pupils, teachers teach outside the school when it is sunny (because it is always raining)...

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016

LESSON 6 - 13 / 10 /2016


Brief description about the class

It has been the first class of expositions. The first group has shown us their topic: "Listen and Do". They have done a lot of games, as the "escondite inglés". In other games, we have had to listen some orders that our partners said to us, as "Sit down", "Jump", "Stand up", and we have had to do it. There was another activity related to mimic. In this activity, in pairs, one have to represent an animal and the other one had to discover what animal was representing his/her partner. 

What I have learnt in this lesson

I have learnt, in a funnier way, how to introduce orders in class, and also, how through listening can learn our students.

My personal opinion

I think this exposition has been so good. They have shown confidence in themselves, which is an important thing to be calm. They have preferred to have fluency in their speaking, instead of worrying so much about their grammatical mistakes. I find better to focus in fluency that in grammatical mistakes while you are talking.
Resultado de imagen de listen and do

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

LESSON 5 - 06 / 10 / 2016


Brief description about the class

First of all, we have done the activity 1.4. In this activity, we had to search the differences between the Royal Decree and the Decree of Castilla - La Mancha. After this activity, the professor has explained us the point 1.5. Common European Framework of Reference. Also, we have talked about the Europass and the ELP (The European Language Portfolio).

What I have learnt in this lesson

In this class, I have learnt a lot of thigs about the European Language Portfolio which can be very useful in my degree and in my future, if I want to apply for a job abroad.

Also, I have known the Common European Framework of Reference, which is very important as a teacher because it is the base of teaching and learning of foreign languages. It can be my future reference in my classes. 

We have learnt the differences between the Royal Decree and the Decree.

My personal opinion

I think it has been a very instructive class, because we have learnt things about the Common European Framework of Reference, and this document it is very important to English teachers as me.

LESSON 4 - 05 / 10 / 2016


Brief description about the class

First, the professor has given us advices about how to prepare a exposition and how to do them. Our expositions have to be creative and active. Also, the professor has explained us the point 1.3. Royal Decree and we have read a document which speaks about it. We have viewed the point 1.4. The Decree of Castilla  - La Mancha. By last, in groups of three people, we have done the activity 1.3.1. In this activity, we have remembered, doing a test, the most important things in the Royal Decree.

What I have learnt in this lesson

I have learnt and I have remembered many things about the Royal Decree and the curriculum of our community. I have known more about the teacher's role proposed, the new method they pretend to introduce, the contents and the competences worked on the First Foreign Language...

My personal opinion

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Although these documents can be a bit boring for us, they are important to us. Knowing all of this law, we can do better our job, but it is important that we do not do exactly what the law says. We have this base to orientate our teaching, but we can work with our creativity and imagination to improve it.

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2016

LESSON 3 - 28 / 09 / 2016


Brief description about the class

In this lesson, the professor has distribuited the issues on which we have to work. After this, in groups of three we have done the activity 1.1.1 and the activity 1.1.2. The first activity has consisted in looking the main principles of the organic law and summarizing them in a mind map. The second activity has consisted in designing the law scheme and mentioning its different titles.

What I have learnt in this lesson

With these two activities, I have remembered the principles of the organic law in education, and specificly with the second activity, I have learnt more about the organic law and the topics that are spoken in it.

My personal opinion

Resultado de imagen de education
I think these topics are quite boring because we have to know things about the education law, but, although it is boring, like teachers, we have to learrn it. Nowadays, these laws are the base of our primary education, so we have to know it to be the best teacher as possible as we can.

Knowing all of this law, we can do better our job.