martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016



Now, it is the moment to say goodbye. I hope with this diary I have been able to show what we have done during the lessons , what I have learnt in them and my personal opinion of each lesson. 

Mainly, I have learnt more about how to be a great English teacher. I think these knowledges that we have acquired during the year, are going to be pretty useful to me as a teacher in the future.

Our degree is going to finish this year. We are in the Fourth grade. These days, I find inside myself lots of controversial emotions. I feel happy because I have finished and I have given all of me during these four years. These four years have taught me how special and nice is to be a teacher and share with people all of you.

By the other hand, I feel sad. Our university stage is over. I take with me lots of experiences, moments, knowledges, emotions and feelings, but, overall, I take with me people. Professors and partners who have made that this stage could not be better. 


Resultado de imagen de THE END

LESSON 21 - 21 / 12 /2016


Brief description about the class

First of all, we have checked the concepts that our professor told us last week to look for in a glossary. We have shared and explained the definitions of these words. Also, the professor has explained us the difference between assessment and evaluation. 

Resultado de imagen de rubricThrough a new app called "Mentimeter", we have played a game in which appear a definition (related to the previous) and we have had to select the correct word that corresponds with the definition. 

The professor has shown us the last points of the subject, and she has explained us how she is going to evaluate our syllabus and our didactic unit. 

Finally, we have done the activity 5.4 in groups. We have to create a rubric to evaluate a certain content. We have used the application Rubistar.

What I have learnt

In this class I have learnt a lot. First, new applications similar to kahoot, that we can use with our children in class, the app "Mentimeter". 

Also, I have learnt how we have to elaborate a rubric, which parts that it has to have, how is the structure of this rubric, what we have to include in it, among others. As teachers, this knowledge is very useful in order to evaluate children and have an organization about what we are going to check.

My personal opinion

This class has been very useful because the professor has given us the steps that we have to follow in order to create a great syllabus and the didactic unit. 

Also, it has been a sad class. It was the last class of this subject, and we have to say goodbye to the professor. The course is finishing, and there are a lot of emotions in us. 

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

LESSON 20 - 14 / 12 / 2016


Brief description about the class

First of all, we have been talking about the course of the subject. We have talked about the activities that we have done, how these activities can help us in the future, and how through them we can improve and learn more English. 

Resultado de imagen de assessmentThen, the professor has started the Unit 6: Assessment and evaluation: PEL and EPOSTL. We have been seeing the different types of evaluation that we can use with our pupils, why we have to asssess children and what do we assess, how we do assess pupils and how we have to take into account the diversity of our students (if there are some children in our class with special necesities, for instance). Also, the professor has told us how we have to planificate the evaluation. 

By last, it has been our own exposition: 10. Planning for effective use of English in the classroom. My group has made different funny games to explain this topic. We have done some activities to correct mistakes, as a kahoot, a relay race (in what our classmates have to correct some sentences that were wrong) and a performance about recasting and rephrasing; to adapt activities and topics of a course book in a creative way, we have proposed some typical topics and exercises that we can find in a course book and our classmates have adapted them.

What I have learnt

In this class, I have learnt about how we have to assess children. It is an important part of our job, but evaluation is not all. We have been talking about different ways of evaluation that I did not know, and it is very useful to us. Also, the assessment task organization that our professor has taught us is very useful to me, because it is like a guide that we can use when we evaluate. 

Also, in this class, with our exposition I have learnt that, if you works very hard in something, it is going to go well. We found some difficulties with our topic, but in the end, I find our exposition clearly and funny. 

My personal opinion

In my opinion, what our professor shared with us is quite important. We have to assess children in a way that they do not noticed them. If we assess children like a game, without saying: "You are going to be assessed, do your best", children can feel more comfortable and do best than if we say that. Children and not children (me, for instance) feel ansioux when they know that they are going to be assessed. We can assess children in different ways, not only with oral or written exams.

Also, speaking personally, I think we have done a great exposition. Some classmates have congratulated us because they have learnt a lot and they have enjoyed. It is pretty gratifying when you work hard, and all goes well and people enjoy what you are doing.

We found lots of difficulties with our topic, but in the end, I believe that we have done great. 

mi茅rcoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

LESSON 19 - 07 / 12 / 2016


Brief description about the class

This class has been on - line. We have met at 18:00 h and we have talked through a chat. In this lesson, we have seen some videos talking about different methodologies, for instance: suggestopedia, total physical response, the communicative approach, among others.

Then, we have had to read a document which talked about these methodologies and we have completed a chart, indicating what approach is talking about the document in each page.

What I have learnt

In this class I have learnt how we can develop a lesson through internet with our pupils. Also, I have remembered the different methodologies that we could apply in our English lessons.

My personal opinion

This class has been a view about how we live in a tecnological society. Many years ago, teachers could not believe that some day they were going to give a class through internet, but nowadays, we can do it. 

Resultado de imagen de online
It is a different experience, that we as teachers could apply with our pupils, giving the lessons in a motivational and funny way.

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

LESSON 18 - 01 / 12 / 2016


Brief description about the class

The exposition of our classmates has been related to: Story activities. They have started with a nice warm - up, which has been a chapter of "The baby triplets".  This chapter has been about Christmas' presents.

Then, in groups, we have created a story in the application "Story jumper", using as main character of this story an object that they have given us before, like a christmas' tree, a star, a present, among others.

Also, they have told us an story whose protagonist has been Rudolph. We had to draw the story and create an end for this story.

In the end, through a picture that they have shown us, we had to create a little story.

What I have learnt

With the help of this exposition, I have improved my experience creating stories. They have offered me the opportunity to show my creativity and practice how to write an story. 

Also, they have remembered me that we have to reward children when they do something, as they has made with us putting our draws in the wall. 

My personal opinion

It is has been a nice presentation, I find quite funny that they have dressed up like "The baby triplets". I believe that they have done some different activities and they have given us some tips about how we could develop stories in our classes.

Resultado de imagen de rudolph
I also find quite interesting how they have put our draws in the wall. It is comforting seeing that you have made something following a certain reason and you have been rewarded showing your draw to all the class. We have to explain our children why they are doing something, and show them that everything that they do is important and we value it.