viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016

LESSON 13 - 16 / 11 / 2016


Brief description about the class

The class started with the creation of a questionaire of two questions, in which we had to put three different answers. We did it in pairs. 

Then, the professor showed us an educational application called "Class Dojo". Using this application, we can check the list, give possitive points to our students... In this application, each of us had an avatar and we could personalize it. 

Finally, we looked at Unit 5: ICT for the teaching of English. In pairs, we had to select an application that the professor shared with us, and investigate how it worked and how we can use it with our students.

What I have learnt

In this lesson, I learnt lots of things. First of all, the application of Class Dojo. It showed us how we can check list in a funnier way, and how students can enjoy doing it. I had never heard about it, so it is very interesting. 

Also, working with the different apps, I had learnt how we can use them to teach students.

My personal opinion

It had been such a great session. I had enjoyed a lot with Class Dojo, and how it works. I had passed a good time creating my avatar and personalising it. In my opinion, if we enjoy a lot with it, I can not imagine how children could like it. I hope I am able to use it in my class, and I think my students are going to love it. 

It is very useful to teachers of this century to know about technology, and how we can use it in order to teach children in an atractive way. 

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