Brief description about the class
To know exactly what we have to do in this Syllabus, the professor has shown us some videos. These videos has been about the LOMCE, and how this law affects to our didactic unit, and how we have to create according to this law.
What I have learnt
My personal opinion
Brief description about the class
At the beginning of the lesson, the professor has explained us the next activity that we have to do. This is the elaboration of a Syllabus (Didactic Unit). She has told us how we have to develop it, its principal parts (objectives, contents, key competences...).

We also has played in the fantastic application called Kahoot. We have answered the questions that we had created.
Finally, the professor has shared with us how we can use PDC generator, in order to upload our syllabus.
Along my degree, I have done many Didactic Units, so I think that all that the professor has told us I have already know it. Although, it is good to remember it.
What I did not know anything has been about PDC generator. I find it quite useful to upload documents and files with our professor.
The most exciting part of this class has been when we have played Kahoot. I guess that all of us love this game, and we all try to win it. If we like so much this game, I can not imagine how children can love it.
I believe that Í am going to use it in my future classes, in order to review some concepts or contents.